Peet’s Coffee

Peet’s is a long standing heritage company that recently has been updating it's appearance to help bring it into a new age after celebrating 50 years in 2016. Established in 1966, Peet’s has spread quality coffee on an international scale with a promise to craft the perfect cup wherever you are. Now with an ever growing market, Peet’s is looking for ways to stand out amongst the rest while still retaining their dedication to craft and the people that bring it to life.

The Task

Peet’s has taken a step back over the past few years and assessed what they need as a company to prosper. This included reducing the number of stores that weren’t profitable as well as pairing down the menus. This in turn made Peet’s take a harder look at their audience as well as how and who they wanted to reach.

I was tasked with creating a community outreach marketing campaign for the Pacific Mountain Region (Oregon & Washington) to raise awareness of Peet’s locations to their surrounding areas. This campaign included coupons, mailers, coffee donation signage, and a catering brochure.

The Problem Solving

I worked closely with the district manager of the region to clearly define what was needed and what aesthetic would fit. Peet’s branding was in a state of flux while I was working on this project. Having had multiple brand updates the past couple of years, Peet’s was undergoing its largest rebrand in recent history. The rebrand was still in development and only a small amount of it has been rolled out in recent seasonal promotions. I had the pleasure of discussing the new brand with the head of branding and was able to get a bit more of an idea around what the rebrand encompassed.

I based my own designs around what information I had gained to not only provide a more updated and user friendly experience, but to also extend the usability of the campaign.

The Solution

Through 4 rounds of iterations I created designs for multiple coupons, mailers, donation signage, and brochures. In the final round the district lead and I decided upon 4 coupon designs, 1 mailer, 1 coffee donation sign, and 1 catering brochure to go to print. Other designs were kept as backups and alternatives in case of future reprints.


There were no QR codes for the rest of the coupons so I supplemented by creating a redemption guide for employees to redeem the coupons through the register. I adjusted the backs slightly in the QR codes absence, but strove for homogeneity overall.

We stuck to a safer color palette utilizing dark browns, muted golden yellows, dirty oranges, and rusty reds. New brand colors are more focused on earthy tones and I pulled these ones together based on what is currently being used on the Peet’s website.

The coupons were the deliverable we focused on the most as we assumed that they would be the most effective in getting customers into the stores.

Peet’s marketing focuses heavily on having a direct conversation with the consumer so it was important to include that trait. I chose to put a witty saying on the back of the coupon in order for the fronts to remain more minimal and better align with new brand standards. The blank boxes are for store stamps so that we can track which store is having the most success drawing in new customers.


Hold Tight!

Hold Tight!

Thanks for checking out this project! I am in the midst of updating it and will be back soon with more!

